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Crossing Paths Carer Support Gold Coast

Providing personalised support for carers of loved ones who are suicidal, on the Gold Coast.

About this service

There is no doubt that caring for someone who is suicidal is traumatic. We want you to know that you are not alone in what you're going through. Whatever your situation, we are here to help. At Crossing Paths Carer Support, we can provide you with practical and personalised support to fit your needs.

This is a free service for carers on the Gold Coast. Every person who engages with us is welcomed, respected and valued. 

Crossing Paths is a Wesley Mission Queensland program that has supported people caring for a loved one through a suicidal crisis on the Gold Coast since mid-2020. It was co-designed with people with a lived experience of caring for a loved one and local stakeholders with the support of Roses in the Ocean and Beacon Strategies. Funding was provided by Queensland Health through the Suicide Prevention Taskforce Action Plan. 

Read more about what the Crossing Paths program is, why it's needed and the outcomes from an evaluation of the pilot in the attached summary report .


Crossing Paths summary report

.PDF (0.7 MB)

Crossing Paths practical support includes:  

  • One-on-one carer peer support and peer-led connection group
  • Carer education for safety planning, coping strategies and self-care
  • Advocacy, service navigation and referral, e.g. financial advice, housing, legal help, respite, relationships and wellbeing support.

By connecting with us we can support you to:

  • Feel empowered to build your resilience, confidence, knowledge and skills
  • Feel heard without judgement in a compassionate space
  • Connect with others who have shared experiences and understand what you’re going through.

Life is all about the people we meet along the way. Paths may only cross once or many times over the years, but it's often for a reason. This is a reminder that you are not alone in your journey. If you are caring for someone who is suicidal, we hope to cross your path, offer our support, and walk alongside you.

Crossing Paths Carer Support is for carers of loved ones who have had contact with a crisis service. To find out more, please contact us:

Phone: 07 5569 1850 or Email:

This is not a crisis service

If you or a loved one are in crisis, please call:

 Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.


- Lives Lived Well (opens in new window)

Links open in new window:

Healthtalk Australia (opens in new window)

Weekly support group for family and friends to attend where they gain support, learn strategies to cope and hear from others in a similar situation. The groups provide:

  • Reliable information about alcohol and other drugs
  • Strategies to reduce alcohol and drug-related harms
  • Non-judgemental support to reduce feelings of isolation and helplessness
  • Advice about available treatment options

Call Lives Lived Well on 1300 727 957.

Non-religious, open meetings for family members affected by drugs and alcohol. Call anytime 24/7 on 1300 368 186. Also open to anyone and providing opportunities to talk and listen to others in a non-judgemental, safe environment.              

  • When: 1st & 3rd Monday of the month
  • Venue: Girl Guides Hall, 40 Ferry St, Nerang
  • Time: 7pm - 9pm
  • Enquiries: Chrissie 0484 002 181 or Head Office (02) 4782 9222

The Family Support Program assists family members, couples and partners as well as friends of young people with alcohol and drug-related problems. The aim of the program is two-fold: to help the clients support the troubled young person and to assist clients in self-care. The service offers individual, couple, family and group counselling sessions.

Weekly Family and Friends Support Group; this group provides families and friends with support, encouragement and the understanding and wisdom of others who have similar concerns or are experiencing similar problems.

The Family Support Program is based at the Gold Coast Drug Council, 191 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads, Qld. Call Gold Coast Drug Council on 07 5535 4302.

AODS provide a range of services including assessment, referral, counselling, information, case management, dual diagnosis and group programs. Services offered include counselling, detox, family support, opioid treatment and support groups. Call AODS on 1800 177 833; Southport – 5687 9119; Palm Beach – 5525 5701.

QuIHN is a state-wide, not for profit, and non-government health service which provides a variety of health services to illicit drug users throughout Queensland.

QuIHN offers individual clinical counselling for people whose lives are affected by substance use and related mental health and/or parenting and family issues that may be present. They also offer a range of therapeutic and psychosocial groups for people whose lives are affected by substance use and any related mental health and/or parenting and family issues that may be present.

Call QuIHN on 07 5520 7900.

Offering a range of domestic and family violence services to women, men and children. Their support and prevention programs include:

  • Counselling
  • Information
  • Court support for women
  • Court support for men
  • Women’s support groups
  • Group work
  • Information, referral and support for women
  • Information and referral for men
  • Training and community education
  • Assisted referrals to other service

Alternatively, for family relationship advice and/or counselling:

Plus Social is designed to help people whose mental health significantly impacts their daily living. Plus Social provides options for managing your mental health and it gives you the kind of care that improves your quality of life over the long term.

  • Clinical care coordination between GPs, psychiatrists and allied health workers
  • Connections to a range of local community services and social groups, and 
  • An after-hours community-based space, The Hub, where clients needing support can come after hours and where many of our social groups will run.

Call Plus Social on 07 3186 4000, from 2570 Gold Coast Hwy, Mermaid Beach.

Links open in new window:

  • – the help you need, where and when you need it
  • Suicide Call Back Service - Free telephone counselling – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Receive 6 further telephone counselling sessions with the same counsellor
  • Suicide Prevention Pathways - Talk Suicide Support Service 1800 008 255
  • Lifeline – Crisis support and suicide prevention
  • RUOK? Day – Working to create a world where everyone is connected and is protected from suicide
  • Conversations Matter –  Practical resources for discussing suicide
  • Operation Life Online –Suicide prevention website developed by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • Kids Helpline – Australia’s only free, private and confidential, phone counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 -25 years
  • headspace – Online and telephone counselling for 12-25 years– 1800 650 890
  • Beyond Blue- provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.
  • Black Dog Institute - a not-for-profit organisation and world leader in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder
  • Sane – supports Australians affected by complex mental illnesses.

Links open in new window:

Your wellbeing matters too

It's important to acknowledge that caring for someone living with suicidality is a distressing and isolating experience, and the fear of losing a loved one can be all consuming and even disabling at times. 

The best way to keep going is to factor in your own wellbeing so you can stay well enough to be a positive and helpful person in your loved one’s life.

Through the hard times it can be difficult to consider your own needs, self-care is likely to be at the bottom of your list, especially when your priority is the person you're caring for. As a Carer, it's important to ensure your own physical, social and emotional needs are met so you can cope better in times of extreme stress, as well as over the longer term. 

Taking care of your own physical, mental and emotional health is vital. The more you look after yourself the better you can perform your caring role and handle the challenges it brings. There’s a lot you can do to improve your wellbeing, but it starts by recognising your own limitations in life and keeping balance as much as you can. Caring for someone can be emotionally and physically exhausting, please know that good self-care is going to make a real difference to your quality of life. 

And remember you are not alone, there are many other people who understand because they too have cared for a loved one in their darkest hour. So please take time for yourself and be kind to you. By looking after your own health, you will be able to cope better with any challenges that life brings. 

No matter what your situation is, self-care is not selfish.
You may not be able to significantly change the demands of your caring role, but you can look creatively at small changes which might help.

Accept what you can’t change

Focus on what you can do to make a difference and identify and accept the things you can’t change. Sometimes stress can be reduced by changing how you react to it. 

Identify your strengths and weaknesses

You may be good at mediating arguments or at switching off worries and thinking about something else. If you know your strengths and weaknesses it will be easier to work out what support you need, and what you can manage quite well on your own. 

Learn skills to help you manage

Learn as much as you can about the condition of the person you are caring for and about techniques that can help you to manage your caring role better. 

Build resilience

  • Look at the funny side of things when you can
  • Believe in your ability to cope through the difficult times
  • Focus on good outcomes and experiences
  • Accept unpleasantness, learn from it and try to move forward 

Practical strategies for reducing stress

  • Keep healthy - eat well and exercise regularly
  • Try to get a good night’s sleep – limit sweets before bed, don’t drink coffee or tea in the evening and explore ways to wind down before bed, e.g. meditation, listening to music or reading can help if you have difficulty falling asleep. If you wake up with anxiety in the night, try switching your thoughts away from your worries
  • Find out what relaxes you and take regular time out to recharge. Try to do something that you enjoy every day and spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself
  • Talk with family and friends you trust about how you feel, it can also help to talk with a professional counsellor
  • Ask for and accept help!

Let nature nurture you

For Carer of a loved ones who are suicidal. Join us and connect in nature with a small group of people who have shared experiences. 

Nature is well known for its beauty and healing ability. By taking time out to ‘smell the roses’ you are helping yourself to heal. Spending time in nature is a natural form of self-care, and the best way to build resilience and cope better with whatever life challenges come along. 

Self-care isn’t selfish. Trying to give from an empty cup will only leave you feeling even more depleted and overwhelmed. When you take care of yourself your energy and mindset improve. Good self-care will help you to support those you love in a  more positive way and feel better about your own life. 

This is a free service for carers who are linked in with our program. Day and time will be determined by interest. Please let us know if you would like to link in with Crossing Paths and connect to others in nature for your wellbeing.

If you are interested in participating in our monthly connection group ‘Let Nature Nurture you’, contact us on 5569 1850 or email [email protected].

Art Therapy for Wellbeing

Crossing Paths Carer Support Wesley Mission has connected with Art is Therapy run by Katy Pryde. We are offering carers who are linked with us the opportunity to try art therapy for their personal wellbeing.

What is art therapy?

People have been relying on the arts to communicate, express themselves, and heal for thousands of years. The goal of art therapy is to help people explore self-expression, gain personal insight and develop new coping skills. Art therapy is known to improve mental, physical, and emotional wellness.

You might be wondering how an art therapy session differs from the average art class... An art class is focused on teaching technique or creating a specific finished product. Art therapy is about creating art that expresses your inner world, more than making something that reflects your outer world.

Katy offers a safe space to explore and find meaning through art. Her approach is very understanding and supportive, and her passion for art therapy will inspire you. You will be amazed at the benefits. It’s very easy, anyone can do it even those who can only draw stick men. By just being present and allowing yourself some healing time, you will understand the true value of the experience.

The session runs for 1.5 hours – contribution is $5 unemployed, or $10 employed. To find out more about art therapy through Crossing Paths Carer Support, contact us on 5569 1850 or email [email protected].

We're here to help

Contact us for more information about this program or to get started. Phone: 07 5569 1850 or email: [email protected]

Contact us

Call us on 07 5569 1850 or complete this form.
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