An emotional ANZAC day service at St Mark's aged care community

Residents, staff, volunteers, chaplains and some very special guests gathered today at St Mark's aged care community for an emotional ANZAC day service. Residents made little Rosemary sprigs with herbs from the community’s garden.
Rosemary is an ancient symbol of fidelity and remembrance. The aromatic herb grows wild on the Gallipoli peninsula in Türkiye, where the original Anzacs served in World War I. Australians traditionally wear sprigs of rosemary as a symbol of remembrance on Anzac Day or Remembrance Day.
Proud as punch today! Special guests Greg, from the Kedron Wavell RSL Sub Branch, and beautiful Leni, from Wavell Heights State High School, with her exceptional talent to play the Last Post and the Rouse!
– Libby Best, Leisure and Lifestyle Coordinator- Residential Aged Care Services.
Residents volunteered to help. Margaret played the piano while Karen worked the PowerPoint presentation.
Our beautiful Mavis did the reading. She is 99 this year and served in the Air Force!