A blanket donation to brighten your day

Due to coronavirus, coping with little face-to-face social interaction has been challenging for many people.
For some, it also means finding joy in hobbies that previously may have been forgotten. At the Women’s Creative Centre, picking up the crochet hook has been a welcome relief in the uncertain times we are going through.
The ladies from the Women’s Creative Centre generously donated 40 hand-knitted, colourful crocheted blankets to the residents at Wesley Mission Queensland Sinnamon Village communities on Tuesday.
Reception and Administration Officer at Sinnamon Village, Kim Alder, said she was glad the group could brighten the day and provide some comfort. “During these challenging times we’re experiencing with visitor restrictions, it’s lovely for our residents to know our community is thinking of them. The countless hours and quality of these blankets is inspiring and makes a beautiful keepsake for residents”.